Tuesday, June 12, 2012

They Must Like Reverie

…the Artful Home, that is. Today when I was browsing their site and clicked on their “Paintings” section, there it was, in first position! I have submitted work subsequently to Reverie, yet they still put it on the first page in the “New” section. Interesting. It is my favorite full-sized painting thus far this year, and I guess AH is feeling it too. So it’s a little baffling that it hasn’t sold…

Click on the image above to see how it looked today 
when I clicked on “Paintings”.

How funny, just as I was posting this I noticed that my artist-friend Filomena Booth’s painting entitled Orange Vase is in the top row on the far right. I had just commented on her blog earlier today how I loved the colors of this piece. It’s a really beautiful painting. I didn’t realize until now that it was on the Artful Home!

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