Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Little Reclamation that Could…

…inspire! Small and simple, this little painting was a spontaneous creation earlier this week. What I enjoyed about painting it was that it just seemed to happen naturally. Paintings in the Reclamation series are usally premeditated, planned from layout and color scheme to exactly which type and how much material I have to mold or sculpt for the assemblage. With this piece, I just gathered a few unused embellishments and sort of threw them on a 12" x 12" canvas. The colors evolved on their own, I only knew that I wanted it to be light on the top and darker at the bottom. I am so pleased with it that I now want to atttempt doing something similar on a much larger canvas. So I am now creating more of the circular pieces for that.

So here it is, my latest in the Reclamation series entitled "Just a Bit Further":

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