Friday, May 18, 2012

Progressives of New Work

So now that I am once again inspired to make paintings, I thought it would be interesting to post the progress of a project. Shown below is the beginning of a new set of paintings, inspired by a study I did in my new "messy" style. The piece that inspired this is shown below, entitled "Arte de Natura (a study)". It's a small piece, painted on paper. I enjoyed painting it. It happened kind of magically. I love when that happens.

So the pictures below show the start of the new pieces. The idea is that they coordinate with one another, ideally ultimately hanging together. So I paint them simultaneously. This picture was taken after two painting sessions, each about 30 to 40 minutes each.

Then I changed my mind! I was liking the general direction/color scheme and then I hit a block. I couldn't see where to take these. They were too unfinished to be paintings, but I couldn't tell where they needed to go. I started to worry about creative block again, so I knifed over the whole thing and started over. The next post will show the two and how they ultimately turned out. So different! The new ones look more like "Reverie" and "Fall Where They May" than the "Arte de Natura" study. It's funny how these things take unexpected turns!

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