Okay, well it's been a while since I've posted. And truth be known, painting dropped off for me shortly after that last post in '08. I can't really explain what happened. I guess I just got caught up in the day-to-day work-friends-life experiences and simply lost touch with the creative painting process. I did a few commissions in '09, painted a couple of small pieces in '10 but I didn't create a single painting in the year 2011! It recently came to my attention that my website didn't have any new work in the "new" section. I decided to update the site and discovered how long it had been!
I missed making paintings. I often wondered what it would take to "get it back". I hoped, even prayed for the turnaround. While I occasionally felt "stirrings", nothing seemed to materialize from them. There were a couple of times when I sat down in front of the easel, wanting to paint but nothing happened. I started to disregard the stirrings. Until this past February…
So things have turned around a bit and I have been painting. It started with some figurative work that I had an urge to do, evolving into a return to the abstracts. And the paintings are a little different. Looser, without my usual hard edges and I'm liking what's happening now. Even my color palette has brightened up considerably. Whereas primary colors used to look so "wrong" on my canvases (please understand I have always loved bright colors, just not in my own paintings), now I think it looks completely wonderful!
Two of my recent favorites are shown here that I posted on the Artful Home (artfulhome.com). The first is titled "Reverie" and the second is "Fall Where They May".
Ah, it's good to be painting again.