The artists' reception was held last night at the Alex Haleigh Gallery in Gardena. It was quite nice. They had drinks and snacks and live music! Oh, and ART of course! The show's title is "La Figura" so not surprisingly, much of my current available work did not fit the theme. Fortunately I had time to create a couple of new pieces for the exhibit: "Blue Angel" and "Bouquet", (the far left and right paintings). The center painting, "Hairdo" is from 2004:

Several friends came to help me celebrate. Thanks everyone, it meant so much to me!
Here my sister Dianne looks at art:

Kevin and Buddha display my art:

Kathye and Kirby came by:

Good friends, good times:

Art appreciators mingle:

People are checking out my art:

Other artists got to display their art too. Cool stuff:

All in all it was a good turnout. Unfortunately, I didn't get pictures of my friends Marsha and Ilga who also attended. And the one and only picture of me was too blurry to post. But I so appreciated those who came by for taking the time to do so. It meant so much to me to see you all there!