Well, I haven’t been able to completely salvage this one yet. It started out as a “Quadrant” painting and I suppose it still has the look. What is different about this one from the other Quadrants is that I went back to brush painting and my previous two Quadrants were painted primarily with a knife. The knife yields a different look from the brush, in some ways a more interesting result, but then there are things that happen with a brush and very thinly layered glazes that I find myself missing in knife paintings. You can see my inspiration layouts tacked up on the wall, I have obviously completely abandoned those references in any but the most general way.
This work is far from complete, it still needs circles and additional embellishments. Maybe it will be a “Quadrant”, maybe it will become something else completely.
Painting. With a knife. I'd be very interested in coming up to see you work sometime. I've often had an interest in buying some canvas and trying to paint, but I have no idea about technique for texture, etc.
Sure, anytime. I love to teach painting. I converted my friend Kathye from oils to acrylics in one painting lesson. Once she learned a few simple techniques, she stuck with the acrylics.
Painting knives come in all shapes and sizes. Occaisionally, I pick up a new one here or there. I have several at this point, but the one I use almost every day is the very first knife I ever purchased almost twenty years ago. It's actually a palette knife, originally purchased to mix paint. But this is the one I almost always use to paint with as well.
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