I actually finished this one last Thursday, but I keep pondering whether it is complete. I feel like it needs something, but I am at a complete loss as to what that might be. So I am leaving it alone for the moment and moving on to other pieces. There is one thing I really like about this one and that is the lower left quadrant with the three circles. I really like what happened in the removal process and the reapplication of thinned white, that juxtaposition of transparent and opaque. I almost wish the whole painting was just that area. In fact, my intention is to try that again on one of my next pieces, making it more of a focal point. So here it is, I'm calling it a "Quadrant" for right now. It may remain as is, it may be painted further, it may get completely painted over. As a matter of fact, this one is a complete paint-over of an older painting that I was never really happy with. Sometimes a canvas gets painted over as many as three times before I get something that I like.
Quadrants 3, 24 x 24, acrylic on canvas, 2008
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