Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It’s August. And hot…

I am listless and it is just too hot to paint in my little art studio. It is the warmest room in my house as it’s situated over the garage which has a metal garage door that gets beaten with direct sunshine in the afternoon. So I am taking a little break. And hoping it will cool down soon!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

…and one last sale from the Artful Home!

This one snuck in under the wire! A work on paper from 2006, this piece was painted as part of an experiment that explored this particular color palette along with the abstract concepts in what I refer to informally as the “Jumble” series. This was the nicest of the explorations. I had never attempted to sell it previously to the Studio Sale. So when I was looking through all of my works on paper, this one struck me as being a caliber worthy of the Artful Home, sale or no sale. So up it went! And someone bought it! In a few days it will start its journey to New York.

Close Quarters, 2006
Acrylic on paper